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OPEN CALL for miniature work 2024

Celebrating Representative and Figurative Miniature Art

The FiKVA Foundation and WG Gallery present MiniARTures 2024!

We invite artists from around the world to participate in our Miniature Art Competition, celebrating the beauty and intricacy of small-scale representational and realistic artworks.
MiniARTures is a global competition, providing a platform for artists to demonstrate their skills in capturing the essence of realism within the confines of miniature format. We define this format as not exceeding 40x40cm or 15,7×15,7 inches (including frame if any).
Miniature art has a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations. Artists have always been drawn to the challenge of creating lifelike works on a small canvas. This competition aims to continue that tradition by recognizing and celebrating contemporary artists who excel in the realm of miniatures.
Enter MiniARTures with the miniature works you are most proud of and you could win a group exhibition, up to €2000 in cash and other prizes!

MiniARTures is open to all artists age 18 or older, worldwide.
We welcome entries in various genres: modern, classical and imaginative realism, hyper-, photo- and surrealism – as long as the artwork reads as representational and not stylized or abstract.
Digital work will not be considered for this call.
You must register and pay a registration fee to submit your work.

The top 50 selected works must be available for a physical exhibition at WG Gallery, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
The deadline for entering the contest is: Feb 14th, 2024
All semi-finalists and winners will be informed about the results via email.

Please, reach out through if you have any questions.

Mark these dates in your calendar and subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out

Important dates

Submissions open: Nov 29th, 2023
Submissions close: Feb 14th, 2024, 12:00 AM (Brussels Time).
Notification of Top 50 Selection: March 20th, 2024 (by email and social media)
Drop off works at WG Gallery: Apr 15th – May 6th, 2024
Notification of all Winners: May 10th, 2024 (All finalists and winners will be notified by email and published on both the FiKVA website and the social media channels)
Physical exhibition at WG Gallery: May 11th – Aug 25th, 2024
Vernissage: May 12th, 2024, at 1 PM
We love inclusion and encourage artist of different backgrounds and age to participate


MiniARTures is open to all artist age 18 or older, worldwide.
We support inclusion and diversity and love witnessing career growth, so we encourage all - emerging and well established artists to send in their best paintings and capture our hearts!
We accept all 2D representational and figurative miniature artworks.


Accepted mediums: paintings (oils & water-based oils, acrylic paints, watercolors, inks…), drawings (charcoal & pencils, dry and wet mediums…), press prints (etches, linocuts, lithographic prints …), mixed-media, airbrush and collage on any support - canvas, board, paper, wood, panel, aluminum etc.
Works must be handmade, no digital works will be considered.
The work must be the artist's original work.
It must have been produced solely by the artist and the copyrights must be the artist's exclusive property.
The work does not have to be new, but must NOT have been exhibited previously at WG Gallery.
All works must be professionally presented: framed and/or ready to hang (works without a hanging system/wire will not be considered for the exhibition).
This contest is for 2D works and texture should not exceed 6 cm from the wall.
Artists are advised not to use glass or other fragile materials if they ship works by courier service/mail. Damaged artworks will not be displayed.
Subject matter and techniques are the artist's choice, but please, keep it within the confines of what can be described as Realism

Subject matter & Size

There is no specific theme for this exhibition, allowing artists the creative freedom to express their ideas within the confines of a small format - we are looking for what you consider your best miniature work.
The size does matter – Artworks must not exceed 40 cm or 15,7 inches on either side, including the frame. For round works: maximum of diameter Ø 40 cm or 15,7 inches, framed.
The Top 50 selected miniature works will be represented by and exhibited at WG Gallery.

Gallery representation, Sales & Commissions

WG Gallery is a smart, boutique gallery in the touristic and historical heart of Dordrecht (The Netherlands), with an excellent reputation and selling opportunities.
The Top 50 selected miniature works will be represented by and exhibited at WG Gallery.
Works must be available for sale exclusively through WG Gallery from May 11 to Aug 25th, 2024
Artists must sign an agreement for sale and representation via WG Gallery before the exhibition.
Sales commission is 45/55 (45% gallery commission, 55% goes to the artist)
The price of the artworks must be above €200.
The better the picture of your work, the easier for our jury to evaluate it


To enter the competition, you must upload your images in JPG or PNG format through the Submission form on the website. Entries via email will not be accepted.
The image files must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide and must not be larger than 4 MB in size.
Have the file name format: Artist Name_Artwork Title_Material_Size_Year of production
If the work is framed, please, do not include the frame in the image.
The participation fee is a contribution to the costs of the organization, administration and the website


You must register and pay a non-refundable registration fee to submit your work.
- Participation in the MiniARTures with just one work: €25
- You can enter up to 4 works, each additional work will add €15 to your participation fee.
You can deliver your works personally (preferably) or send them (by mail or courier service) to WG Gallery

Delivering and collecting your work

- You can deliver your works personally (preferably) or send them (by mail or courier-service) to WG Gallery from April 15th till May 6th 2024.
- Artists are responsible for the delivery and return labels and the insurance of their own works.
- WG Gallery nor FiKVA Foundation are responsible for any damage or loss of artworks on the way to or from the gallery.
- You are welcome to collect your work from Aug 26th to 30th 2024 personally or email us your return courier labels if your work doesn't sell.
Enter your favorite mini artworks and you could win up to €2000 in cash and other prizes!


First Prize:
€1250 cash prize + Certificate of First Prize Winner + Participation in the group exhibition of the finalists at WG Gallery + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Publishing on the WG Gallery website + Digital and social media marketing
Second Prize:
€500 cash prize + Certificate of Second Prize Winner + Participation in the group exhibition of the finalists at WG Gallery + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Publishing on the WG Gallery website + Digital and social media marketing
Third prize:
€250 cash prize + Certificate of Third Prize Winner + Participation in the group exhibition of the finalists at WG Gallery + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Publishing on the WG Gallery website + Digital and social media marketing
Honorable Mention (3 will be awarded):
Certificate of Honorable Mention Winner + Participation in the group exhibition of the finalists at WG Gallery + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Publishing on the WG Gallery website + Digital and social media marketing
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By participating in and submitting to the MiniARTures, the artists acknowledge their unconditional acceptance of the rules, disclaimer and privacy terms.


Once the jury has evaluated the works, you will receive an email with the results. The FiKVA organization is accountable for the correct sending of the e-mails but not for its reception. We are also not responsible for “broken communication” due to email addresses that are misspelled by the artist.


The jury evaluates the originality of subject matter and technical skill. Their selection of winning works is final and the decision cannot be appealed on any grounds.
Judges are not allowed to participate in the competition in the year they are trusted as jurors, nor their family members, nor members of the FiKVA organization.


The FiKVA organization reserves the right to disqualify work from the competition, if we find that it doesn’t meet the rules or our moral norms.



By submitting to the MiniARTures you agree to grant the FiKVA Foundation and WG Gallery the right to use your (complete or cropped) images for digital advertisement. FiKVA Foundation and WG Gallery do not claim any intellectual rights on works entered in the competition. You will be credited, on our website, email newsletter and social media.
Any questions, concerns or requests to remove an image in relation to use of artwork can be directed to


The entry fee is non-refundable and not inclusive of any tax applied by your own country or Belgium.


The payments that FiKVA makes will be subject to the legally set taxes, undertaking the deductions required (prices with VAT included and income tax deducted)


Neither FiKVA Foundation nor WG Gallery are accountable for any loss or damage of the art works to and from the venue. Artist should take their own insurance and use professional wrapping materials.


WG Gallery does claim a 45% financial commission, should a work be sold following its promotion through FiKVA or WG Gallery. 

Please, read also our


FiKVA - Figuratieve Kunst Vandaag
Van Notenstraat 79
2100 Antwerp