Donations & support
There are different ways to contribute to FiKVA Foundation.
The FiKVA Foundation is dedicated to supporting living artists, working in the fields of modern representational and figurative art across the world. The donations you make are used for new research, exciting new exhibitions, artist-in-residence programs, grants, awards and scholarships for students, studying old or modern techniques of realistic arts.
In a long term, we at FiKVA, dream of welcoming our audience at our own venue. We believe, that the modern representational arts need and deserve a new Home, here in Antwerp, Belgium – where viewers will be able to enjoy professionally curated, strong exhibitions as well, as FiKVA‘s permanent collection, annual events and masterclasses.
Financial Donation
Your gifts help funding new projects, allowing a new generation representational artists to grow or giving talented underrepresented artist more exposure. Any financial donation is most welcome!
By clicking the Patron-Buttons below you can donate easily via the website or you may donate by a bank transfer at:
BE61 7340 5190 5517
Address: FiKVA VZW
Van Notenstraat 79,
2100 Antwerpen, Belgium
If you consider supporting FiKVA with an amounts over € 10 000, please contact directly our CFO – Roel Bervoets at
We have lots of projects we would love to develop – just talk to us with your ideas for support and you might become a project’s godparent!
Donate Your Enthusiasm
In simpler (post-Covid) times, we will be counting on a network of volunteers for our life-events. Until then, we will be operating online only. You can still put yourself on the volunteers list looking up to the brighter days of possible gatherings and live events. If you want to be a volunteer at FiKVA in the future, please contact our Project Manager – Galia Veleva at
Meanwhile, you can already contribute to FiKVA by doing small acts of generosity: thanks to talk about us with family and friends – it helps spreading our mission. Tell your colleagues artists about FiKVA-Award and FiKVA-Academy. Send links to friends and art-lovers, like and share our social media posts or write about us…. Let us also know if you found a broken link in our posts or on the website – we appreciate your time and enthusiasm ….
Donate A Work Of Art
Even though we collect mostly modern representational and figurative art of contemporary living artist, bequeathed art collections and works of art of deceased painters are also accepted as a form of donation. Of course, we will first make an appointment to look at your art and find out if we are the best recipient for your precious pieces.
Please, contact directly our Curator – Tanya Atanasova at if you have a work of art you would love to donate to FiKVA.
Programs & Events €5 - €250
By making a contribution between € 5 and € 250 you help us cover our costs and keep our Programs & Events running. We are dedicated to support living artists, that means – your support is needed now.
The contributed means are used for a. o. new research. Thanks to that we create more possibilities for the artists to grow their professional career today. As a non-profit organisation, we depend on these assets – no contribution is too small!
International projects €250 - €2000
Donating a sum between € 250 and € 2000 help us research, curate and organise international shows at the world’s finest level. The much-needed funds help us connect and collaborate with professionals, partners and artists worldwide.
We work hard to position FiKVA on the wide world map as a stable partner and a new ‘Home’ to a dynamic art community. We depend on voluntary contribution to succeed. Much gratitude for considering also making your donation an annual act.
Scholarships, grants and awards €2000 - €10 000
Donations between € 2000 and € 10 000 open the possibilities for us to grant an artist an Artist-in-residence program or a Scholarship at a recognized high school, university or an academy.
There are so many talented artist out there who cannot afford a decent education – we want to make the difference for them and include as many as we can in our programs. At the end of the day: creating art is educating the world. By helping more artist grow – together we are changing the future.
New Home of the Arts €10 000
By making a contribution as large as € 10 000 or above, you bring us a step closer to the day we open the doors of the FiKVA Museum to the world and make Antwerp a capital of realistic arts in the North-West Europe.
We started as a small local organisation, but proved, dreams are a great fuel for those who dare chasing them. Having a new Home of the Arts has been the big picture on the puzzle box for us for a while now. We promise to work hard until we deliver on this one. We want our community to be proud of their venue in Antwerp!

Become a Patron
You can make a financial contribution by simply clicking the Patron-Buttons below or you may donate by a bank transfer at:
BE61 7340 5190 5517, BIC code: KREDBEBB
Address: FiKVA VZW,
Van Notenstraat 79,
2100 Antwerpen, Belgium