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Open Call

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International FiKVA Award 2023

For Representational & Figurative Painters

Welcome to the International FiKVA Award for painters 2023!
The International FiKVA Award for painters 2023 is a global online competition, open to all artists age 18 or older, worldwide.
Enter the paintings produced the last two years you are most proud of and you could win up to €5000 in cash and other prizes!
The FiKVA Award welcomes entries in all genres: modern, classical and imaginative realism, hyper-, photo- and surrealism – as long as the artwork reads as representational and not stylized or abstract.
No comics, airbrush, digital or mechanical work is accepted.

Works must be recent – produced between 2021 and 2023.
You must register and pay a registration fee to submit your work.

The top 35 works must be available for an online exhibition.
The deadline for entering the contest is: May 18th, 2023
All semi-finalists and winners will be informed about the results via email.
You can read our Open Call in your own language here after February 20, 2023.

Please, reach out through if you have any questions.

Mark these dates in your calendar and subscribe for our newsletter so you don't miss out

Important dates

Submissions open: February 20, 2023
Submissions close: May 18, 2023, 11:59 AM (Brussels Time).
Notification of Top 35 Selection: Jun 25, 2023 (by email and social media)
Notification of all Winners: July 2, 2023 (All finalists and winners will be notified by email and published on both the FiKVA website and social media channels)
Online exhibition of the finalists opens: July 11, 2023
We love inclusion and encourage artist of different backgrounds and age to participate


FiKVA Award is open to all artist age 18 or older, worldwide.
We support inclusion and diversity and love witnessing career growth, so we encourage all - emerging and well established artists to send in their best paintings and capture our hearts!
We accept all 2D representational and figurative paintings.


Acceptable media: oil, water-soluble oil paint, acrylic paints, watercolour, ink, gouache, tempera and all traditional mediums on any support - canvas, board, paper, wood, panel, wall, aluminum, glass etc.
Work must have been completed between 2021 and 2023.
The work must be artist's original work.
It must have been produced solely by the artist and the copy rights must be his/her exclusive property.
Both, subject matter and techniques are free choice of the artist, but please, keep it Realistic Art

Subject matter & Techniques

We have no requirement on the subject matter and techniques of your work - we are just looking for what you consider the best work in your art portfolio.
The better the picture of your work, the easier for our jury to work with


To enter the competition, you must upload your images in JPG or PNG format through the Submission form on the website. Entries via email will not be accepted.
The image files must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide and must not be larger than 4 MB in size.
Have the file name format: Artist Name_Artwork Title_Material_Size_Year of production
If the work is framed, please, do not include the frame in the image.
The participation fee is a contribution to the costs of the organization, administration and the website


Participation in the FiKVA Award with just one work: €32
Every additional work will add €16 to your participation fee
You can enter up to 4 works
Enter your favorite works from 2021 - 2023 and you could win up to €5000 in cash and other prizes!


First Prize:
€3000 cash prize + Participation in the online group exhibition of the finalists + Exclusive interview with John Dalton for his podcast “John Dalton – gently does it….” + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Digital and social media marketing
Second Prize:
€1500 cash prize Participation in the online group exhibition of the finalists + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Digital and social media marketing
Third prize:
€500 cash prize + Participation in the online group exhibition of the finalists + Published interview with the FiKVA Foundation + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Digital and social media marketing
Honourable Mention (3 will be awarded):
Participation in the online group exhibition of the finalists + Permanent place on the FiKVA website + Digital and social media marketing
Top 35:
The Top 35 works will be included in an online exhibition.
Please read through



By participating in and submitting to the FiKVA Award, the artist acknowledges their unconditional acceptance of the rules, disclaimer and privacy terms.


Once the jury has evaluated the works, you will receive an email with the results. The FiKVA organisation is accountable for the correct sending of the e-mails but not for its reception. We are also not responsible for “broken communication” due to email addresses that are misspelled by the artist.


The jury evaluates the originality of subject matter and  technical skill. Their selection of winning works is final and the decision cannot be appealed on any grounds.
Judges are not allowed to participate in the competition in the year they are trusted as jurors, nor family members of them, nor members of the FiKVA organisation.


The FiKVA organisation reserves the right to disqualify work from the competition, if we find that it doesn’t meet the rules or our moral norms.



By submitting to the FiKVA Award you agree to grant the FiKVA Foundation the right to use your (complete or cropped) images for digital advertisement. FiKVA does not claim any intellectual rights on works entered in the competition, nor any financial compensation, should a work be sold following its promotion through FiKVA. You will be credited, on our website, email newsletter and social media.
Any questions, concerns or requests to remove an image in relation to use of artwork can be directed to


The entry fee is non-refundable and not inclusive of any tax applied by your own country or Belgium.


The payments that FiKVA makes will be subject to the legally set taxes, undertaking the deductions required (prices with VAT included and income tax deducted)


FiKVA does not claim any financial compensation, should a work be sold following its promotion through FiKVA. 

Please, read also our


FiKVA - Figuratieve Kunst Vandaag
Van Notenstraat 79
2100 Antwerp